Vocabulary Quiz-01

Quiz: For each difficult word or phrase, Write down the answer in comment section.
 1. promulgate:
     A)  announce and teach
     B)  knowledge-wise
     C)  completely control
     D)  (without paying attention to time)
     E)  changed (in form)
 2. ordinance:
     A)  differs
     B)  suggest
     C)  shows/indicates
     D)  (cool and not-friendly quality)
     E)  rule
 3. governed by:
     A)  has broken her contract
     B)  getting myself out of
     C)  ruled by/managed by
     D)  little swirling water currents
     E)  (law-related)
 4. laudable:
     A)  has taken (without the right to)
     B)  at attention
     C)  worthy of praise
     D)  to watch (for changes unusual things etc)
     E)  a person who talks about other people's personal business
 5. middlemen:
     A)  efforts to help
     B)  rough and sharp
     C)  run out/end
     D)  (without thinking/selfish)
     E)  (people or businesses who buy goods to sell to stores, not you)
 6. commendable:
     A)  cooked outside on a grill
     B)  rivers
     C)  worthy of compliments
     D)  low-quality
     E)  fake items
 7. soar:
     A)  (killings of animals)
     B)  feelings that there is no hope
     C)  (adjusts for accuracy)
     D)  fly (beautifully)/increase
     E)  (desire for killing and death)
 8. expenditure:
     A)  (numbers that describe a grid location)
     B)  supporting post (for a handrail)
     C)  person who believes fantasies
     D)  inspects
     E)  expense
 9. intermediary:
     A)  (a thing given to make someone feel good)
     B)  very important part
     C)  mayor
     D)  attractive man
     E)  (person who gets between two arguing parties to help them agree)
 10. pertinent:
     A)  things that cause this include
     B)  female-run organizations
     C)  opinion-filled
     D)  fair and unprejudiced
     E)  important
 11. indebtedness:
     A)  (10 amperes)
     B)  weather scientist
     C)  (state of owing money)
     D)  (medical device that stops a heart attack)
     E)  (very simple/rough and rude)
 12. systemic:
     A)  (related to the deep-down, basic way something works)
     B)  showed off
     C)  expectations
     D)  have hidden
     E)  (substituted one person for another)
 13. irrigation:
     A)  thickened hard skin
     B)  were taken back
     C)  crop-watering/rinsing with water
     D)  preferred in/liked the best in
     E)  praises
 14. dismantling:
     A)  give/permit
     B)  disjointed elbow
     C)  taking apart
     D)  changing (from one substanct to another)
     E)  admissions/responses/recognitions
 15. monopolies:
     A)  formally proper
     B)  (took advantage of/made money from)
     C)  stylish
     D)  to highly educated
     E)  (companies with too much power)
 16. acreage:
     A)  amazingly light gels
     B)  little devil/troublemaking child
     C)  making fun of
     D)  waste time
     E)  land
 17. horticultural:
     A)  (buying cars TVs clothing etc)
     B)  telling the difference between
     C)  car crash
     D)  (related to the study of plants)
     E)  reducing
 18. e-commerce:
     A)  (buying things online)
     B)  (ratio of the density of something to the density of something else)
     C)  smoothly shaped
     D)  person (who shows no emotion)
     E)  bird/complain
 19. captive:
     A)  took away from us
     B)  believers that nothing exists
     C)  ordered by a court
     D)  insulted
     E)  prisoner
 20. negotiating:
     A)  sadness/grief
     B)  was different from
     C)  completeness/extremeness
     D)  (working or talking with others to reach agreement/getting through successfully)
     E)  all people
 21. heft:
     A)  (forcing us to pay money so a secret isn't revealed)
     B)  (living close)
     C)  accidentally moving away
     D)  heaviness
     E)  advice
 22. procurement:
     A)  purchase
     B)  annoying people
     C)  dated (before now)
     D)  (already deciding beforehand)
     E)  all the talk
 23. unveiled:
     A)  (ability to do things very well)
     B)  uncovered and showed off
     C)  drug (that clears a clogged nose)
     D)  common people
     E)  traveled
 24. vested interest:
     A)  (able to move around and do things at birth)
     B)  thing that adds to something else
     C)  (very big interest)
     D)  feelings of hope
     E)  added daily
 25. agrarian:
     A)  is happening
     B)  in an easygoing way
     C)  (related to land and crops)
     D)  cancellation (or end)
     E)  mechanical devices
Vocabulary Quiz-01 Vocabulary Quiz-01 Reviewed by Vivek Kumar on 10:10:00 PM Rating: 5

This post was written by: Vivek Kumar

I am Vivek Kumar founder of Study Wrath. I have been writing articles for more than 10 years. Software and Web developments are my professional and habitual stuffs, I would love to do these all my life. I am an internet geek... I waste a lot of my precious time in searching stuffs on the google..

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