Social Engineering - A loop hole of human mind- Personal Experience

You might have been looking for tips and tricks all your life but there is no proper or assured way you ever get to hijack an account of any social networking website or email website.

I am going to discuss about how social engineering can be so dangerous. It's not a tool and neither it is a particular process of hacking. But its your common sense that guides you to manipulate someone's mind. It won't need any type of coding, it won't need you anything like doing phishing.
But still you can hack accounts. I won't say you will be successful every time but this is almost possible to do. Sometimes it will be a lot easier and sometimes it will look impossible.

I want to confess that I have used social engineering to hack accounts as many as 4-5 times facebook and couple of times Hotmail and yahoo. Yes I tried it on gmail. I was not successful. Even though I didn't do it for destructive purpose. I never harmed anyone or never stole a profile, never went for a wrong move. My main motto was to learn  a successful hacking.

Hacking an account whether it is social network or email or any other login websites become a cake walk on Local Area Network, here I mean, connection where you share a common router. Now, you must be thinking, cake walk? you'v gotta be kidding me!. Then, my answer is no, not at all but yes, you are going to need to know how to do this.

Well, we were talking about Social Engineering, a social engineering is different approach where you manipulate people to steal information. I will share my experience how I hacked some accounts using social engineering. After reading this you will say, everyone can do this.

Once I was bored, I wanted to hack an account I went into yahoo, imported all my facebook contacts,  the main purpose of importing contact was email address gathering, after successful import I was able to see email ids of most of the Facebook friends, since every one was unknown in my friend list I didn't have any emotional feeling of something like "I shouldn't do this" I wanted to test myself whether I can do this or not. There were some names without email id, it might be because of hidden information. I started looking for a yahoo email because I knew It is easy to get into yahoo than gmail. Being a boy, I decided to hack a girl's account, she belonged to Nepal.

As far as now, I had an email id nothing else. Here, I needed my second move. I opened login page of yahoo, followed "forget password" page, after doing some "no - no ", here comes the main phase.

I was looking at security question, the very first question, was about something related to location.
I opened my Facebook account and migrated to her profile, there I saw some possible location information, and luckly I was right.
Its not always easy to guess both questions but most of the time people don't care much about security questions and they put blah blah. I don't remember second question but it was easy also, after doing same thing I was able to successfully change her password.

Now it was time for Facebook, I went into it, requested for forget password with the help of email and successfully finished the task. This was one of the occasions I hacked a stranger. She had nothing interesting in her profile and 2 days after she changed it back, I was happy she did it.

Hacking a boy account was much easier than this, despite following the same process I stuck at 2nd question which was very much personal. I couldn't gather that information. Then I decided to create a fake girl's account.
My next move was to use advantage of being a girl over a boy, after some days of conversation I indirectly asked him that security question and he never had a hint.  Finally, I got him too. Funny thing was, he was not single but married and his 2nd question was "where did he go for honeymoon" but he was single in front of others.

There were a time when I hacked a hacked account from a hacker and gave it back to the real owner, even though this time I had to manipulate facebook instead of the hacker.

So, there is nothing like you always need coding, your mind is enough to create loop holes in human mind, even there is very high security.

Social Engineering - A loop hole of human mind- Personal Experience Social Engineering - A loop hole of human mind- Personal Experience Reviewed by Vivek Kumar on 9:59:00 AM Rating: 5

This post was written by: Vivek Kumar

I am Vivek Kumar founder of Study Wrath. I have been writing articles for more than 10 years. Software and Web developments are my professional and habitual stuffs, I would love to do these all my life. I am an internet geek... I waste a lot of my precious time in searching stuffs on the google..

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